
[2023] parallel

I wrote this library in Go to help standardise running anything in parallel that implements the interface. The interface is simple: Runnable() and Shutdownable(). It really helped me to have a cleaner code and a better utilisation of resources like crons, workers, and other parallel tasks.

[2022] neb

Created neb in Rust to speed up the bootstrapping process of any new Linux machine. I tend to have a fresh system every six months, so I wanted to automate the process of setting up my environment. For most of the tools, asdf (or mise) is used as a tool manager.

[2020] home cluster

3/3 pandemic project. Making all of these services and continuously running them forced me to have a home cluster. I used 4 Raspberry Pis to build a k3s cluster.

[2020] stonx

2/3 pandemic project. The stock market was going crazy and I wanted to be better informed about my watchlists. I built stonx to get scheduled updates with multiple clients for different messaging platforms. Simple Go backend publisher and a message queue for the clients.

[2020] cvgen

1/3 pandemic project. Applying for a new job was a priority, but iterating over my résumé was a pain. I built cvgen to process HTTP requests complying with the jsonResume schema and generate a pdf résumé using LaTeX as the templating language.


My most successful school project. The goal of the course was to create something and follow software engineering principles. What better idea than creating a voting system that everyone could vote on for their favourite project? The idea was so simple that we had to force ourselves to use new technologies and implemented anonymisation of the votes and the voters. It was a success, and guess which project had the most votes?